Nobody wants e-marketing to be difficult, time consuming or complex so Tikit eMarketing puts you in control
No need to bring in third parties to create your emails. You’ll do it yourself in a clear, intuitive, drag and drop interface
Create, amend and design your own templates in-house, in a system that gives you infinite flexibility
Maintain complete control of brand identity with templates, style sheets and approved images, which ensure everyone’s emails are on brand at all times
The firm’s URL will be the only one that ever appears on your mailings
Sophisticated email designers have ultimate control over the content – they can work directly in HTML to take the message over the top. For example, if you want to use bespoke colours, you can do so with no hassle and no need to brief third parties
Fluid hybrid design means that no matter what you screen size your email is opened in, it will fluidly adapt to the right width and display properly. Given that 54% of emails are now opened on mobile devices, that’s become really important. It’s also a reminder that increasingly emails are opened anywhere and anytime. To hit home content needs to be shorter, sharper and more focused.
Tightly integrated with LexisNexis’ CRM InterAction and Tikit Connect (our very own contacts database), Tikit eMarketing gives you powerful broadcast capability, can automatically update contact records with the response to a campaign or an event invite, and will track results.
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