Consumers are online. Everywhere they travel they have access to the Internet – at work, at home, while they are socialising and even when they reach for their mobile phones first thing in the morning. As a business you are smart to realise that you need to market online, and meet the consumers where they spend their time the most.
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There are several different approaches to eMarketing, and Realize Online can help you develop the right strategy for your business and website, to target consumers effectively online. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Search engine marketing can include search engine optimisation, where websites are written and organised to get an impressive rank in a search engine for specific keywords. SEM also includes advertising, such as paying per click. There are many ways that businesses can promote themselves using search engines to ensure they have maximum traffic and boosted sales. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION If you want to be found on Google and the other major search engines, you will need to partner with a search engine optimisation expert who can get you on the front page. Increased traffic to your website from Google relies on a smart and savvy SEO plan that attracts the visitors to your website that will actually purchase your products and services.
E-mail encourages customers to become loyal to your business. When they sign up for your newsletters and e-mails, they are dedicating themselves to your products and services. They can then be rewarded by discounts, special deals and exciting news that will keep them engaged.

Social media marketing is cost effective because the key platforms that get results allow businesses to create profiles for free. Through services like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, businesses can engage and develop relationships with their customers, compile market research, showcase products and services and celebrate achievements.

There are many different types of eMarketing that can help you target consumers while they are online. We believe in a holistic approach to marketing businesses online, and we want you to get results that are measurable and meaningful. Contact us today.