Emarketing Features

One-off and loyalty based campaigns For the first time go beyond open rates and bounces reporting and see what actions customers take Integrated customer database that grows as customers subscribe or interact with your website
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اضغط الرابط اسفله
Use the Customer Report Generator to dice and slice your customer database for better targeting and results Systems to increase email deliverability and reducing spam Email Marketing Send One-Off Emails Setup Birthday Loyalty Campaigns, e.g. setup one campaign to automate saying happy birthday to your customers on their birthday Setup Anniversary based campaigns, e.g. based on previous holiday purchase, automate reminder in 6-months or 12-months Setup Multi-Part email newsletter series. E.g. Customer signs up and receives issue 1 on sign-up, issue 2 a few days later, issue 3 a few days after that and so forth HTML or Text Emails (HTML emails contain text version also)
Send a campaign to any customer group or your entire customer database
Preview your campaigns by emailing it to yourself or anyone else before finalizing
Integrated Customer Database
Grow your customer database every time your customers subscribe or interact with your website
Centrally manage your customer's campaign subscriptions
A full history of past campaigns sent to each customer including open rates, actions taken and links clicked
Increase your sales by utilizing up to 5 anniversary dates for each customer, e.g. date of last holiday booked, date of last car service. Use loyalty campaigns to automate communication around these key events on a one-on-one basis
Customise and extend the Customer Database to suit your business (All-in-One solution only)
Create unlimited number of lists for better targeting and results
Use customer report generator to dice and slice your customer database
Easily add a subscription box to any web page allow customers to subscribe to your newsletters
Customise the landing page customers see after subscribing to your list
Customise auto responder email sent to new subscribers after they subscribe
Be notified via email every time a customer subscribes to a list
Email Marketing Reporting
Track Open Rate of HTML emails
Track Links clicked and most popular links (available for both HTML and Text formatted emails)
For the first time track customer Actions e.g. customer made a purchase, customer made an enquiry and so forth (All-in-One solution only)
Track bounce rates
Track customer unsubscriptions from your campaigns
Live Feed
Sophisticated customer reporting framework
Filter on any system or custom field
Save any report and run later
Export any report to Microsoft Excel for further analysis
Email Deliverability & Spam Control
Double Opt-In mechanism
Unsubscribe link on all newsletters
From email address verification